

Priority number one

Health is our top priority!

We can benefit a lot from our own professional, health knowledge and reflect it from human medicine into veterinary medicine.

We specifically consolidate this knowledge through further training and consistent exchange of experience from the medical veterinary field - especially Dr. Engel - as well as from the worldwide breeder network.

We attach great importance to healthy, balanced nutrition and offer this to our cats (see BARF).

Our breeding animals, like the offspring, are robust, active and full of life!



Each breeding animal is regularly and extensively examined by a doctor. The laboratory tests are evaluated by DAVIS (USA), Laborklin (D) and Genuine Analytics AG (CH).

We attach great importance to the following, regular health checks:

  • HCM - Hypertrophic caridomyopathy (repeated annually)

  • PRA - progressive retinal atrophy

  • PKDf - Pyravatkinase Deficiency

  • FELV - Feline leukemia virus

  • FIV - Feline immunodeficiency virus

  • FIP - Feline infectious peritonitis

  • Haematological/chemical blood tests

  • blood groups

  • Worm and parasite check - regular fecal profile



Each breeding animal is comprehensively protected by annually repeated vaccinations.

In order to avoid risks of an outbreak, we vaccinate the adult animals with

  • RCP - against feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline panleukopenia and feline calcivirosis

  • FeLV - against leukemia

  • Ch - against chlamydia

  • rabies



Only thanks to robust parents also robust offspring develops!

In the first eight weeks, our kittens receive the vital immunity through breast milk. We then support their basic immunization with targeted vaccinations and they are examined by a doctor before delivery.

With one month, the kittens start to eat additional raw food, thereby receiving other important components of a healthy and balanced diet. Further information under the heading BARF.


The prevention of diseases also includes - and above all - consistent cleanliness and hygiene!

Since humans and animals live very close together, it is important to us that cleanliness and hygiene day is lived daily.

In this way, we strive to preserve and promote health and disease prevention.