Bed & BARF hotel

Exclusive holiday care

“We would like to leave spontaneously for a week, but we have no one to guard our Bengals..."

“The summer holidays are booked and now our care is cancelled, but we do not want to give our Bengals to the shelter..."

We can help out in such situations and offer exclusively for our Bengaljunior parents - recently - the holiday care for your cats!

Just ask! We are happy to offer another top service to our Bengaljunior clients!



In a separate area, the guest cats can simply feel comfortable - maybe they recognize the environment from their youth?

Of course we feed our guest cats with our self-made BARF.

They can romp around to your heart’s content, just chill out, or let off their energy on our slope-stair-bridge-parcour and in the big running bike.

Just like in a hotel...… bed & breakfast with gym!



This offer is only for our Bengaljunior cat parents, means current and former, direct customers!

The care is usually offered on a weekly basis. But we are also available for spontaneous, extended weekend absences.

The stay is contractually and medically regulated.